Care for the Earth.

The Earth provides us with everything we need to live and it’s the very reason why we exist. We believe all of us (humans) have a responsibility to care for this planet and…

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Kensho Life
Give a compliment.

It is essential that you make an effort not to fake this one, as it won’t do you any good. Intention counts, big time. This practice involves thinking less about yourself, reframing how you see other people, encouraging them and generating...

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Kensho Life
Celebrate love.

“We are not the survival of the fittest. We are the survival of the nurtured." -Louis Cozolino. Whether you can’t get enough of red fluffy hearts and glitter-covered chocolate boxes, or…

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Kensho Life
Practice saying NO.

Being nice, pleasing and helpful to others is a good thing, no doubt, but when you do it without taking care of your own needs first, you end up feeling angry and resentful at yourself and others…

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Kensho Life
Smile (more).

We don’t mean sticking a fake grin on your face and go around like a mad person until you get cramps on your cheeks. This is about connection with other human beings .

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Kensho Life
Make space.

It’s a Chinese tradition to clean up the house before the Chinese New Year (coming up next Tuesday 5th Feb). Their old saying: “If the old doesn’t go, the new won’t come” is a call to prepare for a new start, opening up to…

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