Reframe a problem.


“Every time I think there’s a problem, I decide there isn’t one.”
— Joseph Goldstein.



Sooner or later, we all end up creating an image of how our ideal life should be, must be… will be! And we can get so entangled with that model of perfection that when things begin to steer away, as it happens because well… such is life, we decide that we have a problem, or twenty. From then onwards our brain, still scared and insecure thanks to an evolutionary glitch, consumes itself ruminating, fixing, avoiding, rejecting, stressing… making us unhappy and boringly repetitive at dinner parties.

But problems are not problems, we just choose to think they are and start having thoughts like “this is bad”, “this shouldn’t be happening”, “why does it happen to me?”, “what have I done to deserve this?” or even “I’m not good enough”... Not one of these thoughts is going to help with the situation. In reality, problems are simply events and being able to look at them from a different perspective, with a different undertone, can help us become more creative in finding ways to deal with them.

This week we invite you to decide that you don’t have a problem and to see whatever is bothering you as an event, even as an opportunity!


Seeing challenges in a new light will help you:

  • Stop feeling powerless about the situation.

  • Accept difficulties as part of life.

  • Become creative with your problem-solving.

  • See new opportunities in challenging situations.


You can start reframing problems by:

  • Changing the language: problem is a big, heavy word. Try challenge instead!

  • Exploring the nature of the difficulty: take your time investigating and clarifying the root of your issue, if you find this difficult, try the 40-20-10-5 rule.*(see below)

  • Asking yourself the question: What small step can I take to start dealing with this?

  • Looking for one possible positive outcome, no matter how small it might be. If you really can’t find anything, remember there’s always a lesson to be learn, think of it as an ‘opportunity for growth’.

*State your problem in 40 words. Cut it down to 20, then to 10 and end up with a 5 word problem statement.



Help someone else reframe their “problem”.

Enjoy shifting your perspective!

Vero and Enrique
Choose your rhythm.
Kensho Life

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